From Astronauts To Psychotherapy

I’m happy to report that my TEDx talk on love has now reached more than 2,000 views!  (Update in 2020: 400K+.)  Click here if you prefer to read a transcript.  If you’re up for an easy challenge, play spot-the-resemblance in this talk by former NASA astronaut Ron Garan which he made on the same night. I studied at a monastery, he studied in a spaceship: we started from opposite perspectives, but arrived at the same conclusion.

“The Key to any and all success is We” — Col. Ron Garan

Apologies to blog readers — this year I’m experimenting with writing more offline than online. Projects in the pipeline are a book on love, and an essay for an anthology on Buddhism and psychotherapy. I even wrote with actual ink on actual paper a few weeks ago. With my hand. Having said that, the best way to stay updated is to subscribe via the website and follow me on facebook.

I’m also training in counselling and Buddhist psychology. I can’t wait to work as both a counsellor and a writer. To my mind, the two professions go together perfectly.

If you’re new to this site, I hope you’ll feel welcome. Feel free to have a browse through my articles and subscribe to updates above.

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06. August 2015 by Mia

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